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The Serengeti ecosystem is located in northwestern Tanzania and extends to southwestern Kenya. The region hosts the largest mass movement of land mammals on the planet and one of the most breathtaking events in animal kingdom.

African safari tours make a 500 kilometer round trip from Southern Serengeti in Tanzania to northern edge of Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya following the one million wildebeest and 2,00,000 zebra.

The Great Migration is probably African's greatest safari spectacle and the most exceptional of all the natural wonders of the world.


The Galapagos Islands are a small archipelago of volcanic islands belonging to Ecuador in the eastern Pacific Ocean.

The island are quite remote and isolated, lying some 1000 km west of the South American continent.

The archipelago is world renowned for its unique island ecosystem which was the inspiration for Charles Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection.


The Amazon is the largest river in the world by volume, with a total river flow that accounts for approximately one-fifth of the world's total.

The river has over 3,000 recognized  species of fish and new species are still being discovered.

The Amazon Rainforest represents over half of the planet's remaining rainforests. As the largest tropical rainforest it has an unparalleled biodiversity. One in ten known species in the world live in the Amazon Rainforest.


Ha Long Bay is situated in North Vietnam round a 120 kilometer long coast line and is literally translated as "Bay of Descending Dragons."

The bay features thousands of islands, each topped with thick jungle vegetation, forming a spectacular sea scrape of limestone pillars.

Several of the islands are hollow with enormous caves, other islands include lakes and some support floating villages of fisherman.


The Great Barrier Reef is the largest system of coral reef in the world, stretching more than 3000 kilometers.

It is the only reef on Earth that can be seen from space and is the world's biggest single structure made by living organisms. The reef structure is composed of and build by billions of tiny organisms.

The Great Barrier Reef also features a host of wildlife including green sea turtles, dolphins, whales, sea snakes and clown fish. 


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