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Intelligence is not the special privilege of human alone. The so-called 'lower' animals are equally skilled and hence are not really lower.

We often assume that we are at the acme of the high pyramid of evolution. But contemporary studies are revealing unbelievable facts about the intelligence of various animals. Let's take a look at some of these findings.


Dolphins are extremely social animals. They can find their relatives separated miles away in the sea for unknown reasons but they have their own language to communicate. Compared to other animals, dolphins are believed more intelligent.  


Sheep make large groups and run away together from predators. Sheep can remember and identify animal faces and also human faces. 


Chimps are a lot like humans. They posses genomes that are 98 percent identical to people, and make and use tools. They are able to organize work in groups, express a range of emotions and may show a violent side. They've actually beaten humans on a memory test on numbers. They can make and use tools, hunt collectively, and are capable of advanced problems solving. 


The dog is human's best friend. It is trainable, sociable to humans, can understand  commands and obedience. Dogs can identify and remember animal or human faces they've met, they can recognize radio, television etc. They also can be sensitive, jealous and they won't forget the hurt extended to them in their entire life.


The elephant's brain is very heavy. It weighs about 5 kg or more. Other large mammals such as rhinos and hippos don't have that kind of brain size. Elephants have the ability to use different objects in creative ways. They have been known to clean their food and use tools in various ways in the wild, and they can also follow human commands in captivity.


Parrots are widely recognized as the smartest birds. They can do many wonderful things with their stunning beaks. A parrot can mimic human words, understand their meanings, can remember many words and utter sentences.


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